The International Union has prepared a “Hoverflies specialised to veteran trees in Europe – Conservation Action Plan 2023–2030” in collaboration with the IUCN Species Survival Commission, IUCN SSC Invertebrate Conservation Committee, IUCN SSC Hoverfly Specialist Group, Syrphidae in Trees / Syrphidae Foundation and Buglife.

This Action Plan is dedicated to six hoverfly species that specialise in veteran trees and wet, decaying wood. These saproxylic insects are important pollinators and act as nutrient recyclers, pests’ predators, and indicators of ecosystem health. “Hoverflies specialised to veteran trees in Europe – Conservation Action Plan 2023–2030” sheds light on the importance of appropriate forestry practices that consider the needs of pollinator species that rely on dead wood and ancient trees. The removal of veteran trees, the replacement of key tree species, and the implementation of hoverfly-unfriendly woodland management are all threats to these species.
For more information, please visit this link.