Red Listing 


Red List assessments will be broken down into a more manageable stepwise process which we propose as follows:

  • Red Listing of approximately 650 European hoverfly species until 2022 (a proposal has recently been send to the European Commission by the IUCN European Regional Office); 
  • Global Red List assessments of all the species that are currently listed on existing national or regional Red Lists (list of these species is under preparation);
  • If knowledge about threatened taxa or functional groups is available (e.g. saproxylic species), these will be prioritized for Red Listing in order to make the information available as soon as possible; 
  • For the more common species, where good and up to date information exists, there may be an opportunity for some easily obtained gains.
Stimulating, facilitating, supporting and engaging in conservation action for species


  • Prime Hoverfly Areas (PHA) have already been established in Serbia: these will be identified in other regions following the IUCN Key Biodiversity Area Standards. Read more about PHA;
  • Stimulating research into the distribution of particular species and the threats affecting them (with a view to informing relevant future policy decisions and action); 
  • Developing conservation strategies for threatened Syrphidae. There is an ongoing project on conservation strategies for the hoverflies in Serbia, but the concept could be applied on a broader scale; 
  • Working towards establishing guidelines for the conservation management of habitats for the Syrphidae.