Jeroen van Steenis

Syrphidae in Trees

My name is Jeroen van Steenis and I have been active with hoverflies (Syrphidae, Diptera) for more than 35 years (since 1984). I am an MC/CCU nurse and I study Syrphidae in my spare time.

The Syrphidae study all started at the Dutch Youth Association for Nature Study (NJN), where I was a member of the Dordrecht department. During one of the many summercamps I was captivated by this fantastic group of insects. Soon I started to delve into the biology of the species and I have written several papers about larva in the journals of the NJN such as the Protter, the Stridula and the Amoeba. After my NJN time I made many excursions and collecting trips to learn more about the distribution, biology and species recognition of the hoverflies. I have organized trips to Greece, Spain, Serbia and Montenegro, and Siberia.

I have already published many scientific publications and described over 100 new species. I am also co-author of the book “de Nederlandse Zweefvliegen” and participated in the IUCN red list of European Hoverflies. As already written above, I have also organized various trips, and I am still organizing new ones.

Keywords: New species, Syrphidae, NJN, non-institutional, collecting trips, IUCN red list

Email: jvansteenis[at]


Taxa: Xylotini, Cerioidini, Sphegina, Brachyopa, Myathropa

Region: Palaearctic, Oriental

Disciplines: Taxonomy, Faunistics, Terminology