Gerard Pennards, MsC

Eurofins Mitox, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Gerard Pennards (1964) studied Biology the Wageningen University with a specialization in Entomology, and he graduated in 1994. Since 2001 he is working as a general entomologist for a company in Amsterdam which has provided environmental studies and regulatory services since the early 1980s and is well-established in the Agrochemical industry. It operates sites in The Netherlands and the South West of France (Armagnac area). The company brings extensive experience and knowledge in both Taxonomy and Environmental toxicology. Since several years Gerard is the team leader of a group of arthropod specialists from this company. Their main task is the identification and quantification on arthropods in the collected material provided for the projects.

Interested in all kinds of Arthropoda, in his free time Gerard became fascinated by hoverflies in the beginning of the 90’s, when people in the Netherlands started a project on the occurrence and distribution of Hoverflies in the country. He was very attracted to the diversity of Hoverflies in aspects of biology, pollination, mimicry and ecology. In a later stage his interest expanded to Europe, the Palearctic and even worldwide. Active on a lot of media concerning insects and Hoverflies in particular, he is connected to specialists worldwide. He’s also an experienced collector in the field who has travelled to a lot of countries in the Palearctic region, including Russia and Mongolia. He knows a lot about the ecology, biology and taxonomy of Hoverflies.

Keywords: Entomology, general taxonomist, syrphidae, hoverflies, taxonomy


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Taxa: Arthropoda in general, Diptera, Hymenoptera

Region: Palearctic, Worldwide

Disciplines: Taxonomy, ecology, biology, conservation

Other: Entomology on the net, photo identification syrphidae